Tag Archives: happiness

Create Your Future

How do you create your future? Consider this:

There have been all sorts of scary predictions about 2012. My thing is, if I spend energy and time worrying about the future, in light of the fact that tomorrow may never come, I am wasting valuable time!

Why worry about what I cannot change? Instead, I prefer to spend my energy and time worrying about the things that I CAN change. The people that I surround myself with, the places I go, the things I do with my time…all should contribute some type of benefit to my life.

I Release my fears about the Future. I choose who will be in my company, and work toward avoiding communication with negative or oppressive people. I spend my time thinking of creative ways to arrange my life so that unpleasant places can be avoided. I complete tasks that must be completed, looking forward to doing something pleasant with my time once the unpleasant task is finished.

Does this sound childish? Maybe so. But unless we learn to live out our time here on earth as a little child, we will continue to be stressed out and fearful of the future. I choose to live my life with joy and anticipation for the future, as a little child would anticipate Christmas, and enjoy every minute of every day, because I do not know which one of these days will be my last. I encourage you, my friends, to do the same!

Plan your day, one day at a  time, and thereby, Create your future!